Deploying AWS Lambda Functions with Serverless Framework

As serverless architectures become more popular, many companies are adopting tools like the Serverless Framework to streamline deploying AWS Lambda functions and managing API Gateway configurations. This guide will walk you through deploying Lambda functions using the Serverless Framework, leveraging the serverless.yaml configuration for a seamless setup, and discussing additional tools and best practices.

Understanding Serverless Framework for AWS Lambda

The Serverless Framework is an open-source, CLI-based tool that simplifies deploying applications in a serverless architecture. By using the Serverless Framework, you can:

  • Define cloud resources, configurations, and permissions in one YAML file.
  • Deploy functions to AWS Lambda with ease.
  • Set up triggers, such as API Gateway for RESTful APIs.


Key Components of serverless.yaml

Here’s a breakdown of the main sections in the serverless.yaml file provided, explaining what each configuration does and how it supports deploying an API through Lambda.

Service Configuration

service: sample-api
useDotenv: true
  name: aws
  runtime: dotnet6
  stackName: sample-${opt:stage}-sls-cf
  apiName: sample-${opt:stage}-api
  stage: ${opt:stage}
  region: ${opt:region}
  endpointType: EDGE
  timeout: 800
  memorySize: 512
  • service: Defines the name of your serverless service.
  • provider: Specifies AWS as the cloud provider, along with the runtime environment (dotnet6), stage, and region. These variables can be dynamically set with ${opt:stage} and ${opt:region} for better flexibility across different environments (e.g., dev, staging, prod).

API Gateway Settings

  minimumCompressionSize: 10
  description: "Sample API Deployment using Serverless"
  - DataTraceEnabled: true
    HttpMethod: "*/*"
    LoggingLevel: INFO
    ResourcePath: "/*"
    MetricsEnabled: true
  • apiGateway: Specifies the API Gateway configuration, including compression size and description.
  • MethodSettings: Enables detailed metrics and logging for API requests, which is essential for monitoring and debugging.

VPC and Security Configurations

    - ${env:LAMBDA_SG}
    - ${env:LAMBDA_SUBNET_1}
    - ${env:LAMBDA_SUBNET_2}
  • vpc: Configures the Lambda functions to run within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for enhanced security. Security Group IDs and Subnet IDs are passed as environment variables.

IAM Role and Permissions

  - Effect: "Allow"
      - "xray:PutTraceSegments"
      - "xray:PutTelemetryRecords"
    Resource: "*"
  • iamRoleStatements: Grants permissions for tracing with AWS X-Ray, which is useful for analyzing and debugging requests and responses in real time. This improves visibility into distributed applications.


  - serverless-api-gateway-throttling
  - serverless-plugin-warmup
  - serverless-dotenv-plugin
  - serverless-scriptable-plugin
  - serverless-offline
  • Plugins: Extends the Serverless Framework with additional functionality.
  • serverless-api-gateway-throttling: Controls the rate limits for API Gateway requests.
  • serverless-plugin-warmup: Keeps Lambda functions warm to reduce cold start latency.
  • serverless-dotenv-plugin: Loads environment variables from a .env file.
  • serverless-offline: Emulates API Gateway and Lambda locally for faster development and testing.

Lambda Function Definition

    name: sample-${opt:stage}-api-lambda-function
    memorySize: 2048
    timeout: 60
    handler: PS.Sample.Host
      - http:
          method: post
          path: /api/account
          cors: true
  • functions: Defines the Lambda function(s) along with properties like memory size, timeout, and events.
  • events: Specifies HTTP methods and paths, effectively mapping API Gateway routes to Lambda functions.

Deploying the API with Serverless Framework

  1. Install Serverless CLI: Run npm install -g serverless to install the Serverless CLI globally.
  2. Configure AWS Credentials: Use aws configure or environment variables to set up your AWS credentials.
  3. Run the Deployment: Execute serverless deploy –stage dev –region us-west-2 to deploy the API. The serverless deploy command packages and deploys all defined resources to AWS.

Additional Tools for Serverless Optimization

For companies looking to optimize their serverless infrastructure, consider using:

  • AWS CloudWatch: To monitor metrics and logs for your Lambda functions.
  • AWS WAF and Shield: Provides additional security for your API endpoints against common web threats.


The Serverless Framework offers several advantages, especially for organizations looking to deploy scalable and cost-efficient applications. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • The entire setup, including Lambda functions, API Gateway, permissions, and VPC configurations, can be defined in a single serverless.yaml file, making deployments consistent and repeatable.
  • Serverless Framework allows you to define different stages (like development, staging, production) in the same configuration file, making it easier to manage deployments across environments.
  • The Serverless Framework has a vast ecosystem of plugins for API Gateway throttling, warming Lambda functions, managing environment variables, etc., which can be customized to meet specific needs.
  • Although AWS is one of the primary cloud providers supported by Serverless, it also works with other cloud platforms like Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure, enabling multi-cloud deployments and reducing vendor lock-in.
  • Serverless Framework is compatible with most CI/CD tools and workflows, making it easy to incorporate automated deployments, testing, and rollbacks in the development pipeline.
  • Serverless Framework integrates seamlessly with AWS events like S3, DynamoDB, and SNS, enabling event-driven architectures that are more efficient and responsive.


By combining AWS Lambda with API Gateway through the Serverless Framework, you can rapidly deploy robust and secure APIs that scale automatically. This setup not only reduces the complexity of managing servers but also offers advanced monitoring, security, and customization features for streamlined API management.

Ready to start building serverless applications? Reach out to Peritos Solutions, a trusted partner for cloud consulting, and see how we can help your business leverage the full potential of serverless architecture.

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