Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Introduction – Business Central Reports & ledger entries

This blog talks about Business Central Reports & ledger entries that are available out of the box in Business Central on cloud version. In this Article we list down some of the most asked Business Central Reports & ledger entries specific to each module. 

  1. Inventory reports
  2. Finance reports
  3. Ledger entries
  4. Job Reports 

And also included a link to the standard documentation for more details on the reports available. 

Inventory – Business Central Reports & ledger entries

The first module here we talk about for Business Central Reports & ledger entries is the inventory module

Furthermore, Lets look at the specific inventory reports in the sections below

Inventory Availability Plan Report:

If you would like to have an overview about specific items/stock keeping units and their availability. This report shows cumulated values like gross requirements, scheduled and planned receipts, the inventory, and so on.

Click on the search icon and enter Inventory Availability Plan report, and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below

Business Central Reports & ledger entries


Select the options and click on Preview to see the report.

You can see the reports like below snippet.

Business Central Reports & ledger entries

Inventory Valuation Report:

Displays inventory valuation for selected items in your inventory. The report also shows information about the value of increases and decreases in inventory over time.

Click on the search icon and enter Inventory Valuation report, and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports & ledger entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet.

Business Central Reports & ledger entries

Select the required options and click on Preview to see the report preview.

Note: You need to provide a Start Date and End Date.

Click on Preview.

A report will be generated like below snippet.

Business Central Reports & ledger entries

Item Expiration – Quantity Report: 

Shows the open customer ledger entries until the ending date. This report shows similar content as the customer statement but with no indication if the entry is overdue. Note: The date filter will be applied to the detailed customer ledger entries. This means that if you have payments later than the ending date that have been applied to invoices in within the date range, the invoices will appear in the report as they have not been closed as per the ending date

Click on the search icon and enter Item Expiration – Quantity report, and then choose the related link. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

 Select the required options and click on Preview to see the report preview. 

Click on Preview. 

  Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

Inventory Cost and price list Report: 

Displays a list of price information for the selected items or stockkeeping units: direct unit cost, last direct cost, unit price, profit percentage, and profit.

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet.  

  Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

 A report will be generated like below snippet. 

   Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Inventory Picking List Report: 

Displays a list of the sales orders in which an item is included. The following information is shown for each item: sales order line with customer’s name, variant code, location code, bin code, shipment date, quantity to be shipped, and unit of measure. The quantity to be shipped is totaled for each item. The report can be used when items will be collected from the inventory.
NOTE: this functionality is not available for advanced warehouse functionality.

Click on the search icon and enter Inventory Picking List, and then choose the related link. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet.  

  Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

 Select the required options and click on Preview to see the report preview. 

Click on Preview. 

 A report will be generated like below snippet.

   A picture containing calendar Description automatically generated

See availability of items

Finance Module – Business Central Reports & ledger entries

In  Business Central Reports & ledger entries functionality One of the most asked module for reporting and important for stakeholder is Finance Module. Here is the link to the standard report and we discuss more on the specific reports related to Finance in the section below

Trial Balance:

Shows the chart of accounts with balances and net changes. You can choose to see a trial balance for selected dimensions. You can use the report at the close of an accounting period or fiscal year.

Click on the search icon and enter Trial Balance, and then choose the related link.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

A new screen will be pop out like below Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries


Select the options and click on Preview to see the report.

Note : You must select at least 1 report column and Date Filter

You can see the reports like below snippet.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Trial Balance by Period:

Shows the opening balance by general ledger account, the movements in the selected period of month, quarter, or year, and the resulting closing balance.

Click on the search icon and enter Trial Balance by Period report, and then choose the related link.

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

A new window will be pop out like below snippet. Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Select the required options and click on Preview to see the report preview.

Note: You need to provide a Start Date

Click on Preview.

A report will be generated like below snippet.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Detailed Trial Balance Report: 

Shows a detail trial balance for selected general ledger accounts. You can use the report at the close of an accounting period or fiscal year. You can define which accounts are included in the report by setting filters.

Click on the search icon and enter Detailed Trial Balance, and then choose the related link. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

 Select the required options and click on Preview to see the report preview. 

Click on Preview.  A report will be generated like below snippet. 

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

 Trial Balance/Previous Year Report: 

Shows a trial balance in comparison to the previous year’s figures. You can choose to see a trial balance for selected dimensions. You can use the report at the close of an accounting period or fiscal year. The previous year means the same period one calendar year

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet.  

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Note: You need to provide a Start Date 

Click on Preview.  A report will be generated like below snippet. 

   Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated

Account Schedule Report: 

Account schedules can be used to display the general ledger accounts in a different way than in the chart of accounts. For example, account schedules can be used for reports on key figures.

Click on the search icon and enter Account Schedule, and then choose the related link. 

  Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

A new window will be pop out like below snippet.  

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Select the required options and click on Preview to see the report preview. 

Note: You need to Provide Starting Date and End Date

Click on Preview. 

 A report will be generated like below snippet. 

   Graphical user interface, table Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Ledger entries – Business Central Reports & ledger entries

As the documents are posted in Business Central Reports & ledger entries are also created automatically. 
This means that system would no longer allow to manually change those entries. Moreover, It can be reversed for which a new ledger entry would come into place. This is one of the key features used by the auditors and CA for preparing and reviewing the financial statement accurancy.

Customer Ledger Entries

“Customer Ledger Entries” shows all the various documents we have posted against our customers. This is the main page that’s used when you want to see a full history of all the documents we have posted to our customers. Using this page, we can quickly see outstanding invoices, payments and much more. It also displays things like Posting Date, Document Type, Document Number, Customer No and then a variety of Amount columns.

All the amount columns are hyperlinks, which we can click to view more information on that amount.

To access Customer Ledger Entries, Click on the search icon and enter Customer Ledger Entries and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries


Vendor Ledger Entries

“Vendor Ledger Entries” shows all the various documents we have posted against our Vendors. This is the main page that’s used when you want to see a full history of all the documents we have posted to our Vendors. Using this page, we can quickly see outstanding invoices, payments and much more. It also displays things like Posting Date, Document Type, Document Number, Vendor No and then a variety of Amount columns.

All the amount columns are hyperlinks, which we can click to view more information on that amount.

To access Vendor Ledger Entries, Click on the search icon and enter Vendor Ledger Entries and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries


By click on Amount you can get the details like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Item Ledger Entries

Item ledger entries are created every time that you post a change to your inventory quantity. This change could be a result of a receipt or shipment of goods because you post a negative or positive adjustment of quantity or consumption or output due to production.

These inventory records also carry the item’s item tracking numbers, which are the serial or lot number, if assigned.

Note: The Item Ledger Entry table only holds information about quantity. All amounts are listed in the Value Entry table.

Item ledger entries are created by the following:

  1. The posting of an item journal line
  2. The posting of a sales order, return order, invoice, or credit memo
  3. The posting of a purchase order, return order, invoice, or credit memo.

Item ledger entries also result from the production of a BOM (bill of materials) in a BOM journal. Before you can create an item entry for the BOM you have produced, the program automatically creates an item entry for each of the component items that comprise the BOM.

For example, if a BOM is a table that consists of four legs and a tabletop, three item entries will be created: one for the BOM itself, the table (the entry is a positive adjustment because the inventory is increased by one table), and one for each of the items that comprise the table, that is, the tabletop and the legs (the entries are negative adjustments because the inventory is decreased by one tabletop and four legs). All three item entries have the same document number.

There are 5 different entry types in Item Ledger Entry.



Purchase and Positive Adjmt.

Represents an increase in inventory.

Note: If you use any of the Undo functions, such as Undo Receipt, then a corrective entry of type Purchase is created. The Correction check box is selected.

Sale and Negative Adjmt.

Represents a decrease in inventory.

Note: If you use any of the Undo functions, such as Undo Shipment function, then a corrective entry of type Sale is created. The Correction check box is selected.


Represents transfers between locations or a reclassification journal posting.

Consumption and Output

Represents movements in manufacturing inventory.

Assembly Consumption and Assembly Output

Represents movements in assembly inventory.

To View Item Ledger Entries, follow the below steps

Step 2: Click on the search icon and enter Item Ledger Entries, and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be populate like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Here you can see different entry types such as Positive Adjustment, Negative Adjustment, Transfer, Sales, Purchase. Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

1. Positive Adjustment

When we add inventory on an item using Item card inventory tab, an entry created in Item ledger entry table with entry type Positive adjustment.

Negative Adjustment

When we remove inventory on an item using Item card inventory tab, an entry created in Item ledger entry table with entry type Positive adjustment.


These entries created when we transfer inventory between locations.

There are two Types of entry created in Transfer Entry type.

  1. Transfer Shipment
  2. Transfer Receipt

Transfer Shipment: These entries creates when we post the shipment of a transfer order.

Transfer Receipt: These entries creates when we post the Receiving of a transfer order.

For a single transfer order, there are two entries created in Item Ledger entry


The entry is posted from a purchase order, invoice, or credit memo will be having Entry Type as Purchase in Item Ledger Entry Table. It represents an increase in inventory.


The entry is posted from a Sales order, invoice, or credit memo will be having Entry Type as Sales in Item Ledger Entry Table. It represents an decrease in inventory.

Item Ledger Entry Key Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Field Type


Entry No.

Assigns entry number from specified series during entry creation process.


It is primary key of Item Ledger Entry

Posting Date

Specifies the posting date for the entry.



Entry Type

Specifies which type of transaction that the entry is created from.


For example, a sale, purchase, positive adjustment, negative adjustment, consumption, output.

Document Type

Specifies what type of document was posted to create the item ledger entry.


For example: sales shipments, purchase receipts, sales returns, purchase order returns, transfer shipments or transfer receipts.

Document No.

Specifies entry’s document number based on the voucher it originated from.


For example, if the document type was a sales shipment then this would be the posted sales shipment no.

Item No.

Specifies the number of the item in the entry.



Location Code

Specifies the code for the location that the entry is linked to.


For Example in a sales shipment entry location code means from which location product shipped


Specifies the number of units of the item in the item entry.


The base unit of measure chosen for an item determines the quantity expressed. For instance, if a widget’s base unit is PCS (Pieces) and we purchase a box containing 1000 widgets, the related ILE will show a quantity of 1000.

Invoiced Quantity

Specifies how many units of the item on the line have been invoiced.



Remaining Quantity

Specifies the quantity in the Quantity field that remains to be processed.



Cost Amount (Actual)

Specifies the adjusted cost, in LCY, of the quantity posting.



Cost Amount (Non-Invtbl.)

Specifies assigned item charge for outbound entry’s adjusted non-inventoriable cost.




Specifies whether the entry has been fully applied to.


Once the remaining quantity of the ILE record becomes zero, the ‘open’ field is unchecked (set to no). By filtering with product name and the open field, you can determine if there is any available stock, which can be helpful.

Order Type

Specifies which type of order that the entry was created in.



Entry Description:

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

the record was posted on the 01/23/2021, as a sale using a posted sales shipment. The document number and quantity of item ‘1965-W’ are both stated too.

Breaking down the two types of ILE

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

There are two highlighted entries one is for purchase and another is for sales.

  • Item no. = 1968-S
  • Entry type = purchase
  • Document type = Purchase Receipt
  • Quantity = 6
  • Remaining quantity = 0
  • Open = no

If we sell six 1968-S using a sales order, then it will create the sale ILE. Below is an image showing the two ILE types on separate lines.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

In this instance the sale ILE will be -6 due to the removal of stock, in the form of a sale. To achieve the sale, we will be consuming the inventory from our original purchase ILE, which now will have a remaining quantity of zero. This is because we started with 6 and lost six when the sale occurred.

  • Item no. = 1968-S
  • Entry type = sale
  • Document type = Sales Shipment
  • Quantity = -6
  • Remaining quantity = 0
  • Open = no

The purchase ILE will now look like this:

  • Item no. = Widget
  • Entry type = purchase
  • Document type = Purchase Receipt
  • Quantity = 10
  • Remaining quantity = 0 (6-6)
  • Open = no

General Ledger Entries

This list shows you all the transactions that have taken places for raw materials.

To access General Ledger Entries, click on the search icon and enter General Ledger Entries and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries


Job Ledger Entries

Creates job ledger entries by posting to jobs. The entries are either debits or credits depending on whether they increase your costs or represent sales to a customer.

It Contains all of the ledger entries for a job. Posting to jobs always creates job ledger entries. The entries are either debits or credits depending on whether they increase your costs or represent sales to a customer.

Entries in the job journal, sales credit memos and purchase invoices create positive job ledger entries. Entries in a purchase credit memo or a sales invoice create negative job ledger entries.

To access Job Ledger Entries, Click on the search icon and enter Job Ledger Entries and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries


Bank Ledger Entries

Creates job ledger entries by posting to jobs. The entries are either debits or credits depending on whether they increase your costs or represent sales to a customer.

Contains all of the ledger entries for the relevant bank account. The entries result from posting transactions in journals and sales and purchase documents.

In general, you cannot modify the information in the fields in the ledger entries, although you can close open entries by reconciling the bank account. If you need to correct an entry, you must post a new transaction, which will then appear in the ledger entry window.

To access Bank Ledger Entries, Click on the search icon and enter Bank Ledger Entries and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Job Reporting – Business Central Reports & ledger entries

In this section we talk about Business Central Reports & ledger entries specific to Jobs. This is only applicable if Job module is used by the client and it is helpful to track both sales and purchases as part of a single transaction.  Read more to find out the different reports available.  

Job Analysis:

Analyzes your job by using settings that you specify. For example, you can create a report that shows you the budgeted prices, usage prices, and billable prices, and then compares the three sets of prices.
Use a combination of the available Amount fields to create your own analysis. For each field, select one of the following prices, costs, or profit values: Schedule, Usage, Contract, and Invoiced.
Select whether the currency is specified in Local Currency or Foreign Currency.

Click on the search icon and enter Job Analysis, and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new screen will be pop out like below Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries


Select the options and click on Preview to see the report.

You can see the reports like below snippet.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Job Planning Lines:

This report shows the different job planning and job task lines – including the line type, quantities, unit of measure, total costs, etc.

Click on the search icon and enter Job Planning Lines, and then choose the related link.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet. Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Select the required options and then click on Preview to see the report preview.

Click on Preview.

Then a report will be generated like below snippet.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Job Actual to Budget Report: 

Compares scheduled and usage amounts for selected jobs. All lines of the selected job show quantity, total cost, and line amount.
This report is intended for completed jobs, although you can use it at any time during a job.
In the US, Canada, and Mexico, this report is not available. Instead, use the Job Actual to Budget (Cost) (10210) or Job Actual to Budget (Price) (10211) reports.

Click on the search icon and enter Job Actual to Budget, and then choose the related link. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet. 

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

 Select the required options and then click on Preview to see the report preview. 

Click on Preview then a report will be generated like below snippet. 

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

 Job WIP to G/L: 

It displays the value of work in process on the selected jobs compared to the amount posted in the general ledger.

Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

A new window will be pop out like below snippet.  

  Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Click on Preview.  Then the system will generate a report resembling the snippet below.

   Business Central Reports and Ledger Entries

Conclusion: Business Central Reports & ledger entries

In conclusion, With this we have summarized how Business Central Reports & ledger entries work and what are the different options available in the system for managing each module. These are vital to help manage the system in a better way and giving stakeholders the right level of information needed 


If you are looking for more Business Central Reports & ledger entries to explore please read more reports here 
Sales Report

Budget Report

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