SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

The article talks about the different FI reports in the SAP system. I am creating this blog for those who are looking to use SAP systems for ways on how the standard system can help for the FI specific reports

Some of these reports either needs to be tweaked or are not as well know as others and I have mostly seen clients asking for a custom report which they can use to map their transactions or do reconciliation effectively but standard system also offers a lot of options from what I understand.

I may keep updating it or organizing it better as I develop further understanding in this area. I am also including some custom logic which I had used to help the AP team identify the invoice number from the material and accounting document. Apart from a very important part these FI reports play in reconciliation, it is also useful is to forecast and find cost center amounts spent earlier vs your future account payable amounts. Most of the FI report you should be able to find in the below path:

Accounting, Finance Accounting, General Ledger, Information System, General Ledger Reports, Master Data, Chart of Accounts

If you have a latest SAP GUI version then they have replaced it with Financial Accounting new as shown below. Broadly speaking the reports section from FI side mainly comprises of Account receivable and payable, GL accounts and consolidation, cost center and Vendor related. I am highlighting the path below in SPRO where these reports can be found.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

Custom Logjc, which I used, is as below: SAP FI reports

The main understanding which I developed was based on double entry accounting where

When a GR is posted it is :

Dr. to Customer A/c or your company account and

Cr to GL Expense a/c

When an invoice is posted:

Dr. to GL Expense A/c.

Cr. to Vendor A.c and

Remember your accounting document would always be linked to a material document so the way it works is. PO > Material document and a corresponding accounting document. The main connection between these 2 documents in a P2P scenario is the invoice number entered during the GR phase which should match the invoice number in the invoice document sent by the vendor.

This data may not be readily available and hence I found some custom logic where this field may reside and then you can compare your material and accounting document to ensure the price, invoice number etc is a match. Assuming most of the SAP reports can give you the accounting document number. Lets assume you get that as an output which will be input to the below logic.

There may be varied logic as it depends where the value gets stored. In my scenario it was a Invoice which was created first and then a GR confirmation was sent to get approval from the requester so 2 different invoice numbers may be entered. One which the vendor sent in the invoice and the other invoice number which the user entered while doing GR. Ideally both should be the same and this information was used for doing reconciliation.

Logic #1
  1. SELECT AWKEY from table BKPF where MBLNR EQ the accounting document and GJAHAR = Year entered by the user
  3. Select PACKNO from table ESLH where ESLH-EBELN = MSEG- LFBNR

EXTSRVNO will give you the invoice numberÂ

Logic #2
  1. SELECT AWKEY from table BKPF where MBLNR EQ accounting number and  GJAHAR = Year entered by the user = output A
  2. Select LFBNR FROM table MSEG based on AWKEY WHERE MSEG-MBLNR = BKPF-AWKEY[10] = output B
  3. SELECT TXZ01 from table ESSR where LBLNIÂ = output B

TXZ01 will give you the invoice number

Logic #3
  1. SELECT AWKEY from table BKPF where MBLNR EQ accounting document number and GJAHAR = Year entered by the user = output A
  2. SELECT XBLNR from EKBE where BELNR = output A from step 1 and GJAHR = year entered by the user = Output B
  3. SELECT XBLNR FROM RBKP where BELNR = Output B from step2 and GJAHR = year entered by the user

XBLNR will give you the invoice number

This was one of the logic I prepared to get the 3 different invoice number for a single material document and accounting document number which ideally should be same for all 3 cases. Incase of an issue or discrepancy it was raised to the FI team who use to take an appropriate action to confirm if the invoice being paid is a valid one. Below are some of the other standard reports which I have been using frequently

Transaction KSB1: SAP FI reports

This report is a must have if you would like to see all cost center information and vendor details.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

GL55 : SAP FI reports

Enter the below details for 2016 year and Period as 1 for July. It will give the all accounting documents in one place. This is also the input to the custom logic I mentioned above. Â This is one of the best profit and loss report overview report.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

If specific fields are needed it may be found from the table

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

FBL3N GL account line item display

The user enters the invoice number and if you need to do a reconciliation for that below are some of the specific logic that you can build on your own using the database tables.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics


SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

Financial statement : Balance sheet etc

This gives you an overall picture of different reporting period from last and current year and an onoverall indicator of total revenue each year

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

S_ALR_87013604 FI CO reconciliation report for group currency

Report for reconciliation for each company code and controlling area.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

S_ALR_87013614 Current period

Cost center group report for cumulative analysis related to each period.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

S_ALR_87013611 Planed/ Actual cost and variance.

One of the main report for cost center analysis for planned / Actual costs and highlights the variance

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

S_ALR_87013625 Actual / Target / Variance

Similar to the above report this one helps for cost center analysis for Actual / Target and variance in values across different cost centers

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

KOB1 Cost

This report has list of line items  posted on internal orders

KOb1 shows Actual cost for line items

KOB2 shows the commitment for line items

KOb3 shows the variance for each of the line items

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

KE30 Customer profitability report

There are some templates provided by SAP for creating those reports for being costing based or account based and is one of the

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

F.41 Vendor balance line item wise: SAP FI reports

If you have vendors which are not quite active then this report is quite useful in identifying those vendors and probably taking action like deactivating them or deciding to use them in vendor evaluation criteria.

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

F.42: Vendor balance in local currency: SAP FI reports

Useful when you have a lot of vendors who work from different countries and if they charge in their home currency . Then the report displays amount converted from all in your local currency as defined in the system

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

SAP FI reports for financial reconciliation and analytics

Other reports : SAP FI reports

S_alr_87013603 Reconciliation of Fi/CO reports in company code currency

S_ALR_87012401 Payment Medium International Load Data Medium Exchange File to Disk

S_P00_07000221 EC Sales List in Data Medium Exchange Format

S_ALR_87012400 EC Sales List

S_ALR_87012178 Customer open items by balance of overdue items

s_alr_87012172 For Custom balance in local currency and It shows total per company code and total across all company code

There is one answer posted on SDN which I came across and was particularly useful. It also categories these reports section wise. Do have a look at this one as well.

Please note This is not an exhaustive list but few of the reports which I have used frequently and the ones that I know of. It may be that I have missed out on other important ones . If so let me know so I could add more to this blog or I will keep updating the list as and when I discover it.                                                                           For more information and services:

Thanks for reading my blog and let me know if you have any comments.

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