Executive Summary

AS institute Ajmer

About Client

AS Institute Ajmer has been in the education field past 2012. AS Institute Ajmer might be a new name in the education industry but people are well-versed with Institute of Professionals. The institute focuses on providing a blend of education and culture to its students. 

  • Offers children basic and advance facilities while imparting easy education
  • Teaches children through audio-visual modules
  • A staff of trained teaches that focuses on giving an all-round development to the students


Location: Ajmer, Rajasthan, India

Project Background- Attendance Tracking App

Requirement was to manage the attendance online. Attendance was one of the criteria that decided if the student can be promoted to a higher ability batch. We discussed with the staekholders and they informed us to come up with a solution where the students, teachers and parents can see at a glance if the student is attending all classes which has a direct corelation with the students performance and helpng them decide the eligibility of the student if they secured the Minimum threshold of attending the classes. Now with the lectures already happening online this app would greatly assist in ensuring the attendance loop is closed fast with all parties have a digital record of the class attendance

Scope & Requirement

Teacher Mode:
• Design an app where a teacher can view the list of children assigned to them.
• Children will be attending multiple lectures each day.
• The teacher needs to check-in and check-out the students on each of the lectures.
• Ability to export attendance for each class or student
• Only allow marking attendance by Teacher and close the window to mark attendance after the class

Student Mode: 
• Student should be able to see the attendance
• Check the Goal vs Achieved attendance criteria



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Technology and Architecture


The web app was deployed with the below technological component
• Backend Code: .NET Core, C#, Node.js
• Mobile App code: React Native
• Web App code: ReactJS 
• Database: SQL Server, MongoDB
• Cloud: Microsoft Azure

• Migration from an on-premise database to Online Student, Teacher, Subject database

• Single Sign-on using Auth0

• Sendgrid


• Data Encryption
• Multi-Factor Authentication for Admin, Teacher, and students when logging in
• All API endpoints are tokenize


Backup and Recovery

Cloud systems and components being used are secure and with 99.99% SLA. We have added HA/DR mechanism to create a replica of the services 


Application is designed to scale up to 10X times the average load received on the 1st 6 months of its usage and all cloud resources are configured for autoscaling based on the load

Cost Optimization 

Alerts and notifications are configured to notify if the budget is being exceeded.  Peritos being a cloud partner is managing the environment for the client by keeping a close watch on the cost and finding ways to optimize the same 

Code Management, Deployment

Code for the app is handed over to the client through Microsoft App Center. 

CI/CD is implemented to add automatically build and deploy any code changes 


• Students are able to see the list of subjects and timetable with a simple click of the mouse using the attendance management system
• Teachers are able to see the list of Subjects , Classes and Student’s Attendance 
• Students are able to view the attendance % and the min attendance needed vs achieved
• On the go attendance marking and calculations updated
• Incorporate holidays, classes cancelled in the min attendance calculations
• Quick setup with Dashboard view


• Client had a requirement to get the list of online attendee and show the duration how long they were on the call. This was helpful to tackle those students who just logged in and dropped off.

  • We implemented an online meeting invite scheduling from this system which created a TEAMS meeting link. All students and teachers had the link before the class was about to start and with the use of API we were able to get the list of attendes. The duration they attended is still not possible and for that we had a work around of the students having to do a gesture when attending the meeting at random times which helped to track the presence of students

Project Completion


Aug 2021 – Oct 2021  ~ 3 months 


  • UX Design was delivered after which the scope was confirmed 
  • Mobile app which was downloaded from the intranet for the authorized users
  • Document set: 
    • How to document Guide and FAQ on some common issues that might be faced in using the app by the Students/ Teachers and Admin 
    • Project handover
    • Architecture document 
  • Knowledge transfer with Train the Trainer sessions for super users who further trained the staff members 


As part of the attendance tracking app project implementation, we provided 1 month of extended support. This includes any major / Minor bug fixes. 


We got the below feedback from the staekeholders 

Feedback image

This app has helped us a lot in keeping a close watch on the student’s attendance and helping us to ensure that we have the right data points when we feedback to the parents on a student’s performance. We like the way this app is designed and it is very user-friendly and easy to use.  highly recommend this app to anyone looking to keep a track of their attendance.  

Anjul jain
Founder, Managing director

Next Phase

We are now looking at the next phase of the project which involves:

1. Ongoing Support and adding new features every Quarter with minor bug fixes

2. Web based module to have admin be able to mass Upload teacher, students 

App screenshot_1 A.S. Institute ajmer
App screenshot_2 A.S. Institute ajmer

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